Seed Cycling Health Benefits

Moringa Health Benefits


What Is Moringa?

Moringa is one of the most nutritious plants in the world. It's the leaves of this tree that grow all over the tropics. It belongs to the Moringaceae family and is native to the Indian subcontinent. It can also grow in tropical or sub-tropical places like Asia and Africa.

Historically, moringa was named "Nebedaye" which means "the ones that never die" It is also known as drumstick tree or miracle tree. Moringa is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains vitamins, protein, and minerals. 

                                               Health Benefits Of Moringa

1_ Control of diabetes

A review paper shows that Moringa leaves to protect against diabetes. Moringa reduces blood sugar levels because of its insulin-like proteins. It improves hemoglobin levels. The high blood sugar level leads to diabetes. It's important to keep blood sugar at healthy levels. According to some studies, Moringa might help to lower blood sugar levels. Scientist believes that isothiocyanate in moringa oleifera makes it effective against diabetes. Most of the studies are animal-based only a few of them are conducted in humans but they are generally of low quality.

2_ Protects from cancer

Study shows the effects of Moringa extract that its root core kills different types of cancer cell lines. From some lab tests, it's proven that it slows down the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. It helps to prevent cancer cell development with the help of a substance called Niazimicin, present in moringa. Vitamin C and Vitamin A present in moringa act as an antioxidant and protect the cell from damage caused by free radicals thus lowering the risk of cancer development. Leaves of moringa contain amino acids which can be helpful for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy as it helps to improve the immune system. 

3_Helps in lowering cholesterol

A high level of cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease. Certain human-based and animal studies have shown that moringa has properties that make it helpful for cholesterol-lowering effects. Powerful antioxidants in moringa oleifera prevent cardiac damage and certain studies also show that it helps maintain a healthy heart.

4_ Control blood pressure

Moringa tea prepared from the ground and dehydrated moringa leaves are believed to help in lowering blood pressure. The Anti-oxidative properties of moringa help BP patients fight inflammation. It contains various phytochemicals like tannins, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, reducing sugar, and steroids. Flavonoids are the strongest antioxidants and have properties that help in bringing elevated blood pressure to a normal rate. Moringa leaves can be used as an alternative medicine for high blood pressure as it gives fast and constant lowering of high blood pressure. 

5_ Good for skin and hair

If you want a natural glow and healthy skin then moringa is a good choice as its seed oil helps to remove toxins and it has mega antioxidant levels properties for the skin. Moringa benefits also include its anti-aging properties. Nutrients and antioxidants in moringa act against free radicals and protect your hair making it clean and healthy. Substances present in moringa also help in the detoxification and hydration of skin and hair. 

6_ Reduce inflammation

According to some studies, moringa oleifera might help treat acute inflammatory conditions like rheumatic pain. According to scientists, isothiocyanates are the main inflammatory compounds in moringa oleifera that are present in its leaves, seeds, and pods. But its effect on humans is still under study because till now most studies are conducted on animals. 

7_ Control stress

Moringa oleifera is a natural adaptogen (non-toxic plant). It can be helpful to increase body resistance to stress by balancing the body's cortisol levels. It is also helpful in treating anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Some experts also think that moringa may help in healing stress and inflammation in the brain. 

8_ Prevent kidney stone

People who consume moringa extract are less likely to develop kidney, and bladder stones. High levels of antioxidants in moringa aid toxicity levels in the kidneys. Moringa contains a high amount of calcium oxalates but those calcium oxalates are non-soluble and your body can easily excrete out of the system. 

9_ Treat anemia

A study among children shows that moringa leaf powder reduces the chances of anemia cases to half. It is good for females with an iron deficiency which may lead to anemia. Moringa is helpful against anemia by helping a person's body absorb more iron, it gradually improves its HB level to normal. 

10_ Treat digestive disorders

Moringa contains vitamin which improves digestion. Moringa contains over 40 anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce bloating, constipation, and gas problems. It also treats certain digestive disorders such as gastritis, constipation, and ulcerative colitis. 

11_ Treat Asthma

Moringa oleifera protects against bronchial construction and helps in the dilation of bronchioles which results in increased airflow towards the lungs. It also reduces the severity of asthma attacks. It improves lung function and breathing. It contains a high amount of antihistamines and anti-inflammatories substances that can be very beneficial for asthma and allergic patients. Sometimes breathlessness occurs due to the presence of microbial infection in bronchioles. The anti-microbial properties of moringa help in fighting against respiratory pathogens. 

12_ Good for vision

Moringa is a good source of Vitamin A which contributes to the health of the eyes. Antioxidant levels of moringa oleifera improve eyesight by stopping retinal vessel dilation, it inhibits retinal dysfunction and prevents the thickening of capillary membranes.

13_ Good for weight loss 

Moringa is low in calories so it is good to include moringa powder in the weight-reducing remedies. High nutrients present inside moringa like vitamins, protein, and iron nourish the body and reduce food cravings. People often gain water weight. The anti-inflammatory properties of moringa help the body retain less water thus helping in weight loss. 

14_ Good for Breastfeeding mothers

As moringa is full of nutrients, iron calcium, vitamin K, and protein it is good for breastfeeding mothers. As moringa leaves are natural galactagogue that increases the flow of the mother's milk by increasing prolactin level. It has been used since ancient times to boost breast milk supply and as a source of nourishment for babies and their mothers. But if you are on medication, or pregnant then it is better to consult your doctor first. 

15_ Makes bone Healthier

Moringa oleifera is a tropical plant that contains Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and, others that play a key role in bone health and calcium absorption. Also because of its anti-inflammatory properties moringa extract helps treat conditions like arthritis and also has healing properties for damaged bones. 

16_ Good for Cognitive decline

Moringa contains a high amount of antioxidants which helps in the protection of brain tissue from damage and degeneration. Leaf extract of moringa can be used in Dementia and Alzheimer's to improve the memory of the patient. 

Some Precautions to Use Moringa

It's better to take precautions because of its certain side effects. The bark and pulp of Moringa can be dangerous especially if you are pregnant as the chemical in the bark can cause the uterus to contract which may lead to miscarriage. It may interfere with fertility. If you are taking BP-lowering medications it's better to not use moringa oleifera because moringa is effective in lowering BP. The combination of these two may lead to high blood pressure levels. It can slow down the heart rate because of the alkaloids in the plant. 


Moringa has been used as traditional medicine since ancient times because of its certain health benefits. It lowers blood sugar levels and lowers the BP level, well for skin and hair. It also has anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties. Moringa a miracle tree is full of nutrients and is good for people who are lacking essential nutrients. 
