Seed Cycling Health Benefits

 Seed Cycling


What Is Seed Cycling? 

Seed cycling is eating some specific edible seeds during different phases of our cycle to help with hormone balance. These seeds include Pumpkin seeds, Flax seeds, Sesame seeds, and Sunflower seeds. It is also known as Cycle Syncing. Seed cycling is a practice that dates back centuries to Ayurvedic medicine which is traditional healing. Seed cycling utilizes the nutritional benefits of the above seeds that help with things like estrogen production, progesterone production, liver support, and much more.

Seeds Used In Seed Cycling

1_ Flax Seeds 

Flax seeds actually kind of mimic estrogen. They're phytoestrogen so they have weak estrogen properties so they can actually provide many people with relief from things like hot flashes or night sweats and concepts or issues around depletion. Many women, young women, teenage women, women in their 20s, and even women in their 30s have low estrogen because they're depletion, they've been stressed, they've been running too hard whatever the reasons are but they don't have a hormone level that's really Optimum for their health. So flax seeds can make a difference there indirectly mimicking estrogen helping with low estrogen symptoms and providing a little bit of fiber as well. 

2_ Pumpkin Seeds 

The magic ingredient in pumpkin seeds is Zinc. Zinc is incredibly helpful for progesterone and for ovulation. So remember when we're in a hormone cycle ideally you're producing estrogen that estrogen comes up progesterone slowly comes up a little bit behind it you hit this peak where you ovulate and life is good but many women have issues with ovulation. They have a lot of pain, they have a lot of cramping, they have sporting, which means they're not really getting a great ovulatory response so I love the idea of using pumpkin seeds rich in zinc to help us with ovulation and indirectly honestly also helping with progesterone production. 

3_ Sesame Seeds 

Sesame seeds are in the family of seeds cely and actually have a purpose of their own. Sesame seeds are high in ligan, it's almost like a fiber, and they help us to remove the excess estrogen. Sesame seeds are a way to move that extra estrogen out of your system helping to normalize and balance that estrogen and progesterone ratio which at the end of the day is really why we feel great or why we feel awful. 

4_ Sunflower Seeds 

Sunflower seeds are a great source of Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that plays a crucial role in promoting and balancing progesterone levels in the body. For all women whether you're 13 or whether you're 65 the drop in progesterone levels leaves us feeling anxious having trouble sleeping or having more symptoms of inflammation, in the seed cycling protocol sunflower seeds become very important in helping to boost progesterone levels. 

Who Benefits From Seed Cycling? 

While most people can benefit from cycle thinking there are specific groups of people who can benefit from it, this includes people with cycles who feel overly fatigued have PMS symptoms, experience PCOS, experience weight fluctuations, or are just trying to conceive and menopausal, and post-menopausal. It is often suggested that people who don't experience consistent menstrual phases align their cycle thinking with the moon phases, essentially starting a new cycle, the follicular phase at a new moon.
